Migrating boxelder bugs are attracted
to large trees with dense, evergreen
foliage like cedars, or trees with deeply
fissured bark. A single large tree might
attract hundreds, or thousands, of boxelder
bugs from the surrounding area. These bugs are
strong fliers so may travel miles from the
maple tree on which they developed.
If this tree, full of thousands of
bugs, is near the sunny, southwest, side of a
house bugs will move onto the warm house
during sunny days. Imagine, a thousand, or
more 1/2" bugs congregating on the outside of
your house, around doors, windows and on
siding. This actually happens to many people
each fall, year after year.
What to do. First realize that
these bugs are harmless. They don't
bite or sting, won't hurt your house nor will
they set up permanent residence. But, see Boxelder Bug Control on
Houses for some suggestions for getting
rid of them.
Plant-based Botanical Insecticides