Ladybugs In Homes
multicolored Asian lady beetle in homes
Summary: The
multicolor Asian lady beetle (ladybug) was
intentionally imported into the US to help control
aphid pests. Ironically, it has been so
successful that large populations sometimes
develop and become nuisance pests that invade
Jack DeAngelis, PhD
OSU Ext. Entomologist
The problem with ladybugs
Ladybugs, or lady beetles, are normally
beneficial insects in that all active stages are
predators of garden pests like aphids and spider
mites. In other words, we want lady beetles in
our gardens. The problem happens when adult
beetles try to enter our homes in the fall with
the purpose of sheltering there until spring.
Most lady beetles literally "head for the
hills" in the fall and shelter in natural
cavities. A new imported species, the multicolor
Asian lady beetle, likes to spend winters at
lower elevations and our houses happen to be very
handy. If they gain entry they can be a nuisance
pest all winter. They do no direct harm
but some believe they contribute to indoor
allergies and their droppings can be very messy.
Asian lady bug beetle, ladybugs, ladybeetle
Harmonia axyridis, the
multicolor Asian lady beetle; photo
by USDA/ARS; many different color forms
are possible.
What are Asian lady beetles?
The multicolor Asian lady beetle, Harmonia
axyridis, is not native to the US. The beetle
was intentionally imported a number of years
ago to control aphids that feed in trees.
This lady beetle has been so successful, however,
that populations have increased to the point that in
some areas the beetles have become a nuisance pest.
So, on the one hand, they serve a beneficial purpose
as predators of pest aphids but they are also seen
as pests themselves by some homeowners.
What to do to about Harmonia
Try to prevent lady beetles from entering
homes in the fall by sealing cracks, fixing broken
screens, and so forth. These measures will have the
added benefit of sealing out other pests as well as
the weather.
If beetles get indoors sweep them up and
deposit them outside. Some people even store them in
the refrigerator for release into the garden in the
spring; give them a little water in a plastic
container. In either case don't resort to
insecticides. Insecticides won't be very
effective and they can cause health problems too.
Remember, as pesky as lady beetles may be
indoors, outdoors they really are good for your
landscape and garden as natural predators.
axyridis Guide Information and pictures
of the various color forms of this "multicolored"
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