
Welcome to 'Bugs!

LivingWithBugs.com (hereafter just 'Bugs) is about insects and related critters like mites, ticks and spiders that impact people and property, a field of study called urban entomology.

While most of the bugs that homeowners find are harmless or even beneficial, a few pose a genuine risk to health or property. My goal as a retired extension entomologist is to help you tell the difference between pest situations that need attention and those that may not, and to help you solve bugs problems in a safe, responsible, and environmentally friendly way.

IPM - a more rational approach to pest management

Many years of research have shown that the best approach to pest control, both urban and agricultural, is a process called integrated pest management, or IPM. Briefly, IPM involves a series of integrated steps, or decisions, that differ somewhat depending on the circumstances but all approaches involve three basic steps (1) pest identification, (2) damage assessment, and finally, if needed, (3) utilization of least-toxic control methods.

Here at 'Bugs we provide information that will help you tackle your particular pest situation with an IPM-like approach. You'll find images and descriptions of pest species to accurately id the insect or mite in question. We'll help you assess whether or not actual damage has or will likely occur. Finally, we'll suggest ways to deal with each pest situation in the least toxic (for you and the environment) way possible.

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About us

I retired from Oregon State University in 2004 where I was an Extension urban entomologist for 16 years (see my resume; and/or google "Jack DeAngelis Insects"). I have over 25 years of experience in urban entomology, agricultural research, Cooperative Extension, and teaching, and I hold a PhD in Entomology.

'Bugs has been online since 2004 and as such has undergone lots of changes. We are now in the midst of another major upgrade as we move toward a more "mobile friendly" format. At its core 'Bugs is a set of articles about identification, life history, and where appropriate, least-toxic control of household and garden "bugs". In other words we always suggest an IPM approach to pest management around homes.

Bugs At Home
Elizabeth & I catching up on the news

How to Search 'Bugs for Specific Information

We maintain well over 200 articles about insects and mites that affect people and property. The easiest way to find specific articles is to open the Google search page and type: "your search query"+site:livingwithbugs.com into the search box. For example, to find all 'Bugs articles about carpenter ants type carpenter ants + site:livingwithbugs.com.

The resulting list of pages may contain some Google advertising (marked as "Ad") as well as relevant pages from 'Bugs. These ads do not originate with 'Bugs.

Otherwise, if you have a pretty good idea what you are looking for it might be easier to just scan our Index and Site Map of covered topics.

Topics are grouped as:

Bugs That Bite and Sting: bed bugs, fleas, lice, mosquitoes, mites & ticks, spiders, and wasps, and more

Garden Insects and Mites: aphids, bees, moths, beetles, slugs, spider mites, thrips, and many more

Household Pests: ants, boxelder bugs, stink bugs, carpet beetles, clothes moth, cockroaches, drain flies, mites, pantry pests, and others

Pest Control Products: boric acid - spider traps, and everything in between

Insects and Rot Fungi That Cause Wood Damage: carpenter ants, carpenter bees, dry rot, fumigation, powderpost beetles, termites, and more

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