What are root weevils?
Black vine weevils (Otiorhynchus
sulcatus) [picture of black vine weevil]
are one of numerous species of weevils (snout
beetles) whose larvae feed on plant roots.
Because larvae damage roots they are sometimes
called root weevils. Root damage can be so
severe that plants, especially young or
shallow-rooted ones, can be killed. Older larvae can
also girdle (remove bark) stems. In fact, root
weevils are among the most damaging of woody
landscape plant pests worldwide.
Adult weevils feed on plant leaves
resulting in characteristic feeding notches (see
photo right). There is generally only one generation
per year and control efforts should be directed
at newly emerged adult weevils, not larvae.
When notching of new growth is first found in early
summer you should begin your control program.
Common names and misspellings: strawberry
weevil, obscure weevil, rootweevil, and blackvine