Scabies Mite Infestation - Picture

Jack DeAngelis, PhD
OSU Entomologist (ret.)
my resume

Summary: Infestation by the human scabies mite (Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis) causes intense itching as well as thickening of skin and scarring. Hands are a common site of infestation (see photo right).


scabies infestation
  Scabies mite infestation on hand. Notice scarring around the fingers. Photo by CDC

Scabies mites burrow in skin

The tiny scabies mite (scabies mite drawing) burrows just below the skin surface where they cause an allergic reaction, intense itching, skin thickening and scarring (see photo above, right). Hands and wrists are common sites of infestations but other areas of the body can be involved as well.

Scabies mites are very contagious and easily passed person to person either by direct contact or through shared clothing or bedding.

It can take weeks for the body to react to an infestation by these tiny mites so the rash can be mistaken for other skin conditions that cause similar rash. The intense itch associated with scabies usually distinguishes it for other causes (see this WebMD article for additional information).

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