Tim-bor is an
insecticide/fungicide/wood preservative composed of
98% sodium borate (borax), a sodium salt of
boric acid. Tim-bor itself is a white, fluffy powder
that can be puffed in to wall voids for carpenter ant
control, or dissolved in water and applied as a course
spray* to surfaces. See the fact sheet and specimen
label below for additional technical and product
use information.
As an insecticide/fungicide Tim-bor is labeled for use
against termites, wood destroying beetles,
carpenter ants, and wood decay fungi.
It is very effective against many of the most
important wood destroying organisms and exhibits
relatively low toxicity compared to other pesticides.
When used as a spray borate crystals are deposited on
the wood when the water dries and may even penetrate a
short distance into the surface. Borate acts as a
stomach poison to any insect that comes into contact
with this layer. Keep in mind that since borate is
water soluble it must be used in dry situations or
sealed over to make it waterproof. Often, waterproof
stains or sealers are applied once the spray dries.
* Tim-bor dissolves
completely in water to make a true solution.